Coding with Python

Welcome to the Coding with Python course. In this course, you will learn how to code in the Python programming language. Python can be used to develop web-based applications, scientific and mathematical programs, machine learning applications, and even games and GUI-based (graphical user interface) desktop applications.

You can start with the very first lesson or if you already know a little Python language code, then you can jump ahead to any lesson you like. Each lesson in this course includes explanations and sample code you can try out yourself.

Beginner Python lessons

  1. Getting started with Python

  2. Comments in code

  3. Numbers and math in Python

  4. Variables and data types

  5. Modules and functions

  6. Working with strings

  7. Sequences (lists, tuples, strings)

  8. Slicing

  9. Editing lists

  10. List methods

  11. Sorting lists and strings

  12. Dictionaries

  13. Conditional programming (if statements)

  14. While loops

  15. For loops

  16. Operators

  17. Working with *args and **kwargs

  18. Date and time

  19. Creating and using your own modules

  20. Exception handling

  21. Working with files (eg. text files)

  22. Working with CSV files (spreadsheets)

  23. Logging

  24. JSON in Python

  25. Web requests

  26. Regular expressions

  27. Multithreaded programming

  28. Generating hash values

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

  1. Classes, objects and methods

  2. Inheritance

  3. Static methods and class methods

  4. Overriding methods

  5. Data hiding

Building GUI apps with Flet

  1. Getting started with Flet

  2. Add controls to a Flet app

  3. Getting user input

  4. Dialogs, alerts and panels

  5. Layouts

  6. Navigation

  7. more coming soon…

Building web apps with Django

  1. Introduction to Django

  2. Installing Django

  3. Creating a new project and apps

  4. Hello, world!

  5. Declaring models

  6. Exploring SQLite databases in VS Code

  7. Creating relationships in an SQLite database

  8. Querying an SQLite database

  9. Exploring the Django Admin

  10. Creating views in Django

  11. Routing in Django

  12. Base templates and inheritance

  13. Displaying dynamic data in function-based views

  14. Displaying data in generic class-based views

  15. more coming soon…

Machine learning and data analysis (coming soon)

  1. Working with numpy and matplotlib

  2. Linear regression (using sklearn)

  3. More coming soon…

Random Python tricks