Coding with Python
Welcome to the Coding with Python course. In this course, you will learn how to code in the Python programming language. Python can be used to develop web-based applications, scientific and mathematical programs, machine learning applications, and even games and GUI-based (graphical user interface) desktop applications.
You can start with the very first lesson or if you already know a little Python language code, then you can jump ahead to any lesson you like. Each lesson in this course includes explanations and sample code you can try out yourself.
Beginner Python lessons
Working with files (eg. text files)
Working with CSV files (spreadsheets)
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Building GUI apps with Flet
more coming soon…
Building web apps with Django
more coming soon…
Machine learning and data analysis (coming soon)
Working with numpy and matplotlib
Linear regression (using sklearn)
More coming soon…